(too old to reply)
2015-10-08 02:11:38 UTC
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly).
Sorry but BD beat Muchachos and SCV, and 27th on 8/9/75 at World Open (Madison was not at that show) and the two nights later 8/11/75 at CYO Nationals, Madison took first, Muchachos second, and BD amazingly dropped from in the 90s just two nights before to 88 whereas Muchachos who two nights before had scored in the 88 range jumped to 92 at CYO. The Muchachos did not beat Madison in 75 unless of course it was done during that prelim performance we never saw or heard scores for....
2015-10-08 02:12:38 UTC
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly).
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly).
2015-10-08 02:14:42 UTC
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly).
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly). No they never did beat Madison that year...
2021-08-11 20:40:51 UTC
It is impossible to relate the impact of the 75 Muchachos field
presentation thru the internet, especially 21 years later.
Having seen the Muchachos in 1975, I would say that it was probably the
most electrifying field show (brass, drums and M&M) that I ever witnessed.
Far surpassing anything I have viewed from Madison, including 1995.
The Muchachos did beat Blue Devils about a week before the championships
and Madison also, (if memory serves me correctly).
Sorry but BD beat Muchachos and SCV, and 27th on 8/9/75 at World Open (Madison was not at that show) and the two nights later 8/11/75 at CYO Nationals, Madison took first, Muchachos second, and BD amazingly dropped from in the 90s just two nights before to 88 whereas Muchachos who two nights before had scored in the 88 range scored 88.70 at CYO with Madison winning with 90.55. The Muchachos did not beat Madison in 75 unless of course it was done during that prelim performance we never saw or heard scores for....
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